Harlow Law Office
GLOBAL Color Palette
Neutral Lite#F1F0F1
Neutral Mid#CBCBCF
Neutral Dark#656566
Accent #F05323
Accent Hover#...
Heading Style "Title 1"
Heading Style "Title 2"
Heading Style "Title 3"
Heading Style "Title 4"
Heading Style "Title 5"
Heading Style "Title 6"
Heading Style "Title 7"
Heading Text - "Subheading"

Heading Text H1 **Note** No more than ONE (H1) per page

Heading Text H2

Heading Text H3

Heading Text H4

Heading Text H5
Heading Text H6
Heading Text DIV
Heading Text SPAN

Heading Text P

Heading (H2) "Title 2" Style with Default Color

“Body” (Default) Text Style: This is an example of standard Body Style. There are three paragraphs using placeholder text so that you can see the visual size and weight of a block of text content with paragraph spacing applied to each new paragraph (using standard hard return key on your keyboard). 

Below is what an unordered (bullet) list looks like:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  • Amet, consectetur adipiscing
  • Ut elit tellus, luctus nec 

Below is what an ordered (number) list looks like:

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
  2. Amet, consectetur adipiscing
  3. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec 

This is what a chunk of emphasized (italics) paragraph text
looks like with a “soft return” [keyboard Shift + Return]
being used to create specific breaks in the text.

Here is the second paragraph with additional placeholder text content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Here is the third paragraph with additional placeholder text content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Heading Text H3 (with Global Color Applied)

“Body Big” This is an example of the “Body Big” text style. This style is useful to call attention to a block of text that needs some prominence. Use this style sparingly to have its desired effect. Example use case for this style would be a pull quote, …which can also be set in italics for emphasis.

“Body Small” This is an example of the “Body Small” text style. This style is useful as text that needs to be referenced on the page but doesn’t carry as much importance as the body copy that is supports. Example use cases may be photo credits, footnotes, etc.

BUTTONS (Standard Elementor Button Styles)
FORM (Standard Elementor Form Widget)